Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD student in Sports Management, Faculty of Physical Education, Azad University, Borujerd, Iran

2 Assistant Professor Razi University, Kermanshah, Department of Sport Management

3 Associate Professor of Sports Management, Shahid Bahonar University, Kerman, Iran


The aim of this research was to provide interpretive structural modeling of factors affecting the moral decision making of soccer players. The method of this research was mixed and its design was exploratory. The statistical population of this study consisted of men's and women's top league football players, 15 of whom were selected purposefully and based on theoretical saturation. A semi-structured interview was used to collect data in a qualitative study, and a questionnaire was used to collect information in a quantitative study. In order to check the audit of the research, the indicators of credibility, transferability, reliability and verifiability were used, and to analyze the data of the qualitative study, coding was used, and the interpretive structural analysis method (ISM) and ISM software were used for the quantitative study. As a result of qualitative data analysis, 74 final concepts, 14 sub-categories and five main categories affecting ethical decision-making were identified. As a result of the quantitative data analysis, it was found that the factors affecting ethical decision-making at the level of sub-categories consist of four layers, and among these, the organization environment, the professional environment, the living environment, the legal environment, and the fundamental values are among the most fundamental. They were layered. This result shows that in order to move in the complex path of ethical decision-making of football players, at the beginning of the path, the organizational, professional, life, legal and fundamental values needed by this phenomenon must be created


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