Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD student in Sports Management, Islamic Azad University, Ayatollah Amoli Branch, Amol, Iran

2 Department of Physical Education and Sport Science, Ayatollah Amoli Branch, Islamic Azad University, Amol, Iran

3 Department of Physical Education, Chaloos Branch, Islamic Azad University, Chaloos, Iran

4 Assistant professor, University of Art, Tehran, Iran.


The purpose of this study was to design a paradigm model of strategic agility based on the organizational resilience of the country's sports in the corona pandemic. The research method was qualitative using a systematic design of data theory and semi-structured interviews were used to collect information. The statistical population of the study includes sports experts and elites of the country, senior managers of the Ministry of Sports and Youth and heads of sports federations, as well as professors of sports management who have experience in management in sports organizations or writings in the field of research. Snowball technique was selected. Open, axial and selective coding were used to analyze the data. 121 basic conceptual propositions with 10 categories in the form of 6 dimensions of paradigm model, including causal conditions (2 categories of internal factors and individual factors), main phenomenon (strategic agility), strategy (2 categories of structural and strategic organizational changes, human resource agility) Underlying characteristics (2 categories of structural and organizational factors, information technology), intervention conditions (2 categories of legal factors, managerial and infrastructural characteristics of the organization) and outcome (2 categories of internal and external) were identified. In conclusion, it can be said that strategic agility creates sustainable prosperity in organizations. In terms of application, the present model can be used for the main sports managers and decision makers of the country, especially the managers of sports organizations, because it has been obtained by using the views and experiences of experts and considering the corona pandemic conditions.


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