Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of Sport Management, Razi University

2 M. Sc, of Sport Management, Razi University


The purpose of this study was to investigate the association of coaching behavior with group cohesion and collective efficacy of female players in Iranian hockey professional league. The research method is descriptive–survey. The statistical population included female hockey players of the sixth Premier League (n = 130), 90 of whom voluntarily participated in the study and finally 70 questionnaires were correctly analyzed. We used CBQ (Martin and Barnes, 1999), GEQ (Caron et al. 1985) and CEQ (Fletz and Lirch, 1998). Questionnaires validity was approved by sport management specialists (10 people), and Cronbach's alpha coefficients for their reliability were calculated as 0.81, 0.83, 0.85, respectively. Descriptive statistics (mean standard deviation) and inferential statistics (k-s, multiple regressions) were used. There was a significant positive relationship between coaching behaviors (reinforcement, contingency technical training, general technical training, organizing) and group cohesion, while a significant negative relationship was observed between coaching behaviors (punitive technical education, punishment) and group cohesion. There also was a significant positive relationship between coaching behaviors (mistake contingency technical education, general encouragement, general technical training, reinforcement, public relations, keeping control) and collective efficacy, whereas the relationship between coaching behaviors (mistake contingency encouragement and organizing) and collective efficacy was significantly negative. Finally, there was a significant positive relationship between collective efficacies and group cohesion. Then, it's concluded that female hockey coaches could benefit from these coaching behaviors to improve their teams’ cohesion and collective efficacy.


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