Document Type : Research Paper



This study aimed investigate the role of identity style in shaping the organiznal citizenship behavior of the Olympic and Paralympic Academy staff of Iran. Method research was descriptive - correlational. The statistical population staff of the Academy and NOC form their number was 95. Research sample, the total number was chosen according to the returned questionnaires, 79 questionnaires were used for data analysis
For gathering data, two main questionnaires utilized: Berzonesky (1992) identity style questionnaire, and Groth (2005) OCB questionnaire that The validity of questionnaires determined by experts and Their reliabilities were test by using Cronbach’s alpha coefficient and they were respectively 0.81 and 0.79 for identity style and OCB questionnaires. The SEM utilized for analyzing data. In examining relationships between variables, the output of the software AMOS 20 was representing the structural model fit. It has been shows the appropriate SEM. In other words, the Observed data were similar to study design. The results showed that there was a significant positive relationship between the identity Style with OCB Also,Information style were with predicts a stronger,norm style and avoidance style for OCB.


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