Document Type : Research Paper



Requirement for effective response to environmental changes and gain a competitive advantage in sports manufacturing corporations is achieving to organizational agility. The ultimate goal of this qualitative study is exploring the process of organizational agility in sports manufacturing corporations by using systematic design of grounded theory to be done. For this purpose, an open interview with 12 managers of sports manufacturing corporations was done on individually and in groups in Tehran. Data analysis in three steps: open, axial and selective coding is achieved by using MAXQDA software (version, 11). So, during the process of open coding categories include: causal condition, central categories, actions and strategies, confounding factors, and outcomes were extracted from agility; Then in axial coding stage, the connection between this following categories of causal condition (internal factors and environmental factors), Axial category (Competitive advantage, adaptation with customer requirements, Reengineering, environmental adaptability, power of responsiveness, competence, flexibility and speed), action and interaction strategies (In the areas of manufacturing, marketing, economic, political, legal and knowledge), confounding factors (environmental, organizational & managerial), and the agility consequences (Consequences: economic, manufacturing, social, marketing, finance, human resources, and Brand & trademark) in terms of coding paradigm in Sports manufacturing corporations was determined; also in selective coding phases, each component of Coding paradigm described, The story line depicts and the theory was created, Finally, the judgment propositions and strategies hypotheses of research were formulated.


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