Document Type : Research Paper



The aim of this study was to standardize a questionnaire for purchasing sports newspapers. The population consisted of all male and female newsstand customers above 18 in Tehran with a minimum of one year of purchase history. A total of 344 questionnaires were completely answered and the final analysis was conducted on them. The results revealed that 33 items in Liker scale were saturated of four factors: 1) content 2) appearance 3) headline. These four factors were able to describe 74.9 percent of the total variance. As for the validity of the instrument and based on the relations, except for 16 questions all questions had a significant relation with their own factors and were good predictors for those factors. Also, concerning the factor relationships with the concept of "purchasing sports newspapers", the results showed that all factors were good predictors for that concept. Therefore, the internal and external validity of the model "purchasing sports newspapers" was confirmed.


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