Document Type : Research Paper


The purpose this study was role of the sports media in formation citizenship behavior in fans of the capital's football derby. All statistical community spectators watching football for over 18 years, the two teams were Persepolis and Esteghlal Azadi Stadium in September 91. Since the volume of the statistical population of more than 75,000 people, according to Morgan statistical sample, 384 subjects were selected to collect data from a stratified random sampling method was used. The data was collect, from Two questionnaires, media sport make researcher questionnaire, and Groth (2005) citizenship behavior questionnaire that their validities was approved from 8 sport management Experts. The results showed that there is a correlation between the variables studied so that the observed data to a large extent based on the research mod. Also, results showed sub-components culture could predict stronger than the sub-components of social participation, education and information of citizens. In other words, the sports media play an important role in shaping the behavior of fans created the ultimate club can take advantage of creating behavior of fans to their advantage. 


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