Document Type : Research Paper



The Purpose of this study is investigation of the relationship between coaching leadership styles and team cohesion and achievement motivation in selected athletes in Iran's premier league teams. The study method is descriptive and is of correlative type. Survey community consists of 414 athletes participating in premier league teams in the season of 2012-2013. For collecting information, questionnaires were used. For getting the reliable test of the questionnaires Cronbach Alpha was used that showed coaching leadership method (α=0/91), team cohesion (α=0/93) and achievement motivation (α=0/88). For checking leadership the method used was Cheladurai questionnaire (1978), for checking team cohesion Chen questionnaire (2007) was used and for achievement motivation Chen questionnaire (2007) was used. For analyzing the data, Kolmogorov–Smirnov, Pearson’s correlation test, Scheffe Posthoc analysis and linear regression analysis were used by application of SPSS version 18. Survey tests (P≤%5) were checked. Study results showed that there is meaningful relationship between coaching leadership style, team cohesion, coaching leadership style and achievement motivation. So considering the findings of the study, it’s found that the use of different styles of coaching and different behavior styles will change team cohesion and achievement motivation that could affect coaching task and athlete and this case clarifies the importance of the relationship between the coach and the athlete.


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