Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Islamic Azad University

2 Ph.D Student, Sport Management, Islamic Azad University, Centeral Tehran Branch.


Emotional intelligence (EI) plays an important role in facilitating problem solving and efficiency of group members and sociability. Expanding positive emotions within the group facilitate cooperation and participation in members, reduce conflicts and enhance the efficiency of group members. The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between emotional intelligence (EI) with organizational socialization (OS) and group work (GW) in employees’ of physical education department of Khorasan Razavi province. In this descriptive and correlative study 52 employees were selected as statistical sample. In this study employees responded to 3 standard questionnaires. The result of pearson’s correlation test reveald a significant positive relationship between EI and its subscales with OS and GW. No significant relationships were observed between demographic characteristics with EI, OS and GW. The result of step by step multiple regression showed that among emotional intelligence subscales self – management , self- awareness and self-motivation were predictors of GW and social skills & self – management were the only two subscales of EI which were the strongest predictor of OS. Based on the result of study it is recommended that organizational management pays special attention to the Emotional intelligence and sociability of employees in recruiting new staffs.


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