Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Isfahan [Khorasgan] Branch Islamic Azad University

2 MSc in Sport Management, Eslamshahr Branch Islamic Azad University

3 Assistant Professor, Sanandaj Branch Islamic Azad University


The purpose of this study was Structural equation modeling of relation between communication skill with management skill and the effect of that on organizational culture in sport organization. Descriptive study was conducted through a survey. The study population consisted of Islam Shahr city’s Sport Managers. Statistical society of this research was 127. As the samples was same Statistical society. Measuring instruments consisted of demographic questions, communication skills, management skill and organizational culture questionnaire. Statistical methods included analysis of both descriptive and inferential statistics using SPSS software and software LISREL and structural equation modeling was performed to assess the relationships between variables. The results show that the communication skills and management skills and organizational culture, there is significant relationship, the output shows the application of structural equation model is appropriate. So planning for improve communication skills and management skills in sport mangers is one of the most important factor for sport organizations.


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