Document Type : Research Paper
1 Lecturer at Ardabil Azad University Pledge of physical education and sports science
2 Sports Management Department, Khalkhal Branch, Islamic Azad University, Khalkhal, Iran.
3 Sports Management, Ardabil Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ardabil, Iran.
4 دانشگاه محقق اردبیل.معاون اداری.مالی ومدیریت منابع دانشگاه
The purpose of this study is to design a marketing development model for the Iranian Wrestling Federation. The statistical population of this study includes specialized faculty members (marketing, sports management, wrestling experts of the Islamic Republic of Iran), senior managers of the Wrestling Federation of the Islamic Republic of Iran, national and provincial coaches Higher education in sports management, wrestling experts and journalists, senior managers of the National Olympic Committee and the Ministry of Sports. Purposeful sampling was performed by snowball method. Then the primary, axial and selective codes were assigned. Findings showed that the reported regression coefficients, causal factors, contextual factors and intervening factors had the greatest impact on marketing development, respectively. In addition, the impact of interfering factors is negative. This means that as it increases, the amount of marketing development decreases. In this study, data collection and analysis were performed based on variable sequences and with multiple revisions of the same. The research in general showed that in causal conditions (managerial and technical category), intervening results, legal and legal requirements), underlying factors, (efficient manpower) and marketing development (causal conditions) are very effective. And the rest of the categories are in the next priorities.
Main Subjects
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