Document Type : Research Paper


1 Payame Noor University

2 In Sports Management


The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between emotional intelligence employees Youth and Sports General Directorate of Yazd with crisis management strategies. The study sample included all employees of the Department of Youth and Sports Yazd based on employment data in 1391, of the total of 144 subjects (107 males and 37 females). According to Table Krjsy and Morgan (1970) estimated sample size was 104 persons.The researcher distributed questionnaires, 100 questionnaires received were classified and analyzed.This is a correlation study and survey methods. To measure the subject's emotional intelligence  was used of shrink Sybrya`s "emotional intelligence questionnaire" and to measure crisis management strategies was used of  Questionnaire designed by reseacher that reliability of the questionnaire was 0/91 and 0/96 and credibility was 0/93 and 0/73that  estimated by researcher. The results showed a significant relationship between emotional intelligence and crisis management strategy is (P=0/001 and r=0/37). Between components of emotional intelligence is self-awareness, empathy, social skills, motivation and self-control with risk management strategies, there is a significant correlation (P≤ 0/01). Finally, between EI and its subsets based on gender, position, education, and work experience participants showed no significant difference.


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