Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor of sport management, Clinical Care and Health Promotion Research Center, Karaj branch, Islamic Azad University, Karaj, Iran.


Today, researchers have witnessed common statistical errors in many scientific articles. In order to the results of scientific articles to be reliable, they are judged in sports management journals before publication, however, in some articles published in these journals, various errors are observed, which makes them invalid. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the common statistical and methodological errors of sports management research in order to provide appropriate information for other authors of sports management articles. For this purpose, content analysis approach used. So, first the articles published from 2012 to 2018 in 4 Journals include: Sports Management Studies, Journal of Sport Management, contemporary Studies on Sports Management and Applied Research in Sports Management were reviewed and common mistakes of researchers was obtained. The results of the practical study of the theoretical and basic concepts of sports management in the articles published in Persian journals indicate that there are fundamental errors in the articles published in the mentioned journals. Among the large and small errors found in sports management researches, the common mistakes that researchers often make were evaluated in this study. It is hoped that by stating these mistakes and paying attention to their correct form, the quality of research, judging and publishing articles will increase.


Main Subjects

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