Document Type : Research Paper


1 M.Sc. of Sport Management, Najaf Abad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najaf Abad, Iran

2 Assistant Professor of Sport Management , Department of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad, Iran

3 Ph.D. Student in Sport Management, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

4 Ph.D. in Sport Management, Department of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran


The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between purposeful organizational forgetting and organizational agility with the organizational effectiveness of the staff of the General Department of Sports and Youth in Isfahan province. This research was descriptive-survey. The statistical population of the study consisted of all employees of the General Department of Sports and Youth of Isfahan Province in 2018. In this research, census sampling was used and the sample size was 140 people. The data gathering tool was a standard organizational forgetting questionnaire (2013), in accordance with the Hallen and Phillips model (2004), the organizational agility questionnaire Sharifi and Zhang (1999) and Parsons' organizational effectiveness questionnaire (1969), whose validity Confirmed with sport management professors. The reliability of the questionnaires was obtained using Cronbach's alpha for purposeful organizational forgetting (0.86), organizational agility (0.89) and organizational effectiveness (0.89). In order to analyze the data, descriptive and inferential statistical methods were performed using Spss22 and Amos software. In descriptive statistics (frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation), in the inferential statistics, Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, correlation coefficient, focal coefficient and structural modeling were used. The results of the research showed that the correlation between purposeful organizational forgetting with organizational effectiveness of the employees (0.32) and correlation between purposeful organizational forgetting with organizational agility (0.23) was statistically significant (0.05) and according to the model The effect of organizational agility on organizational effectiveness was 32% and the effect of organizational forgetting on organizational effectiveness was 37%. The correlation between purposeful organizational forgetting with organizational effectiveness of the employees (0.38) and organizational agility with organizational effectiveness of the employees (0.31). The effect of forgetfulness on conformance (0.82), goal over expression (0.62), unity (0.71) and pattern protection (0.80), and the degree of agility influence on compliance (0.92), target perception 0.49), on unity (0.49) and pattern protection (0.46). It is concluded that the managers of the Ministry of Sports and Youth pay particular attention to organizational oversight and organizational agility and provide creative ways to reform the organization's structure in order to achieve organizational effectiveness.


Main Subjects

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