Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor of Sport Management, Payam Noor University

2 Assistant Professor of Sport Management, Payam Noor University


The aim of this study was to Validation and standardization of Volunteers Function Questionnaire in Sport. The research method is descriptive and is a type of structural equation that has been implemented fieldly. The statistical population of this study was the athletes in the Iran out of which 392 questionnaires were collected. Measurement Instrument was a questionnaire of 18-item used Volunteers Function (Kim, 2010) with six subscales (Enhancement, Protective, Career, Social, Understanding, Values). Statistical methods were descriptive indexes for describing data, Cronbach`s alpha for determining validity, analysis of an accepting factor to determine the structures validity was used. Analytical results showed (α=0.89) reliability for Volunteers Function questionnaire. All questions had a significant relationship with their agent in reliability of Structure, the amount of relationship and T-value, and they could be a good predictor for their agent. X2/df=3.13, RMSEA=0.095 indexes and NFI=0.91, CFI=0.90, IFI=0.90 and GFI=0.97 also confirmed the goodness of models. Also, the results about the relations of factors with the meaning of Volunteers Function showed that all factors could be a good predictor for the concept of Volunteers Function. Questionnaire Volunteers Function reliable and valid measure that can be used to evaluate Volunteers Function in the field of sports and reliable and consistent results are achieved.


Main Subjects

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