Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor of Sport management, University of Gonbad Kavous, Goletan Province, Gonbad Kavous


Presence of supportive atmosphere in the form of organizational variables and coach- athletic relationships, while making an optimal executive commitment, had significant effect on athlete's turnover. Therefore, the main purpose of research was designing model of volleyball player’s turnover intention based on coach behavioral support, club’s support and organizational commitment. Sample size consist of N= 90 volleyball players and coaches, that selected with snowball and cognitive sampling method. To collect data, Kim (2007) turnover intention questionnaire, modified version of Eisenberger (1996) perceived organizational support and perceived supervisor support and Meyers (1993) organizational commitment questionnaire used. The results showed that all three variables, perceived organizational support (β=0.86), perceived supervisor Support (β=0.88) and organizational commitment (β=0.78) had significant effect on turnover intention. Also, the results of the regression test indicated that organizational factors (β=0.86) were the main predictor of volleyball player's turnover. So, with consider to destructive outcomes of the turnover in elite athletes, necessity for attention in applying supportive styles by coach and top managers of the organization, for retain of volleyball players are recommended.


Main Subjects

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