Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of Sport Management, University of Neyshabur

2 Associate Professor of Sport Management, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad

3 Associate Professor of Sport Management, Shahrood University of Technology

4 Professor of Biostatistics, Tarbiat Modares University


The purpose of this study was determined the role of social responsibility in attitude of fans toward team in Iran football. The research method was descriptive - correlation. The statistical population of the study included all fans over 18 years old in the Premier League in 2015/16 season. Sample size based on factor analysis, 2 to 10-fold of the items was selected and finally, 640 questionnaires were analyzed. To analyze of conceptual model the data collected through four questionnaires of social responsibility (Montazeri and et al, 2017), team image (Chun, 2008), attitudinal loyalty (Gladden and Funk, 2001), and team identification (Heere and et al, 2011), after obtained the validity (face, content, and structure). To calculate reliability Cronbach’s alpha was used, and to analyze the data, structural equation modeling was used. The structural equation model showed that, overall indices of structural model were in good condition, thus, it was concluded that social responsibility in football had a positive and effective role on attitudes of fans. In addition, indirect effect of social responsibility in fans’ loyalty was significant, and meantime, the team image and team identification played the mediator role. Thus, social responsibility has positive direct and indirect effect on the mind and attitudes of fans. Therefore, it is recommended to manager of sport teams to consider the fans’ interest in social issues and various social responsibility initiatives putted in their long-term plans.


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