Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor of Sport Management, Payam-e Noor University of Shahryar

2 Ph. D. Student in Sport Management, Payam-e Noor University of Tehran

3 Ph. D. Student in Sport Management, Shomal University, Amol

4 M. Sc. Student in Sports Media Management, University of Science and Culture, Tehran


The aim of this study is to compare students of the personal brand of physical education with Students of other disciplines with an emphasis on effective communication skills Qasemi had 6 children. The method described in terms of strategy, in terms of the direction of scrolling implementation of the aim of development and practical. The population consisted of all undergraduate and graduate students of different trends in physical education and other fields in selected universities in 94 years and a statistical sample of 384 people also were considered. Research tools included two questionnaires assess personal branding (Ghasemi, 2015) and a questionnaire to determine the level of communication skills Ghasemi (2015), respectively. In this study, to determine the validity, content and structure (exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis) and differential was used and the internal reliability (Cronbach's alpha), time and other items were used. According to the normal or non-normal data (Kolmogrov Smirnov test), confirmatory factor analysis and one-sample t test, t-test was used to compare between variables were analyzed Levin. The data analysis was performed using software SPSS version 22. Results showed that personal brand is significantly weaker students in the field of physical education and physical education in terms of students' writing skills, speaking, using modern communication tools daily and were significantly weaker and the skills of listening, reading, and language is the appropriate body significantly. Ingeneral, physical education is poor communication skills of students and personal brand of physical education students was significantly lower than non-PE students' personal brand.


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