Writing structure of review articles for Journal of Sports Physiology

Writing structure of review articles should be composed of following parts:

  1. Persian and English Abstract (a summary of introduction, conclusion and suggestion for future studies)
  2. Introduction: including a brief summary of theoretical and empirical foundation in order to provide a new approach and to create or challenge a hypothesis
  3. Subject priorities with respect to the coherence of content
  4. Conclusion
  5. Research suggestions
  6. references (at least 25% of the references should be for the  author)



Journal of Sport Management Studies, as a scientific – research journal with ISC grade, gives the priority assessment to the topics which have more proximity to specialized areas in terms of concept. Currently, translated articles, review articles, and case studies have no priority for publication.

Articles which are electronically recorded in the system will initially be checked by the internal director to investigate their compliance with structural and writing guidelines. Afterward, the papers will be sent to the specialized secretary to investigate scientific quality, and then they are sent for the Editor in chief.  Finally if they meet the criteria, submitted articles will be forwarded for more specialized investigations into the arbitration process. Anonymous articles will be evaluated by at least two referees chosen by the editor and the editorial board and Corresponding Author will be informed as soon as possible about the acceptance, rejection or the need for modifications requested by the referees.  If the paper is completely in accordance with the items listed in this guide, it will gain full acceptance of the jury and will be published in next journal.


  To write a paper all the following items should be considered:

  1. Content should be written in one column (B-NAZANIN 13 for Persian text and Times New Roman 12 for English text) with respect to required margin (at least 2 cm on each side).
  2. Number of pages should not exceed 15 pages.
  3. Papers must comply with grammar rules and also be written in fluent Persian language as much as possible. In addition, foreign terms which do not have any Persian equivalent must be avoided.
  4. Latin names and terms should be written at the bottom of the page
  5. Abbreviations first should be mentioned in full name. Note that only standard abbreviations can be used. No abbreviation should be used in title and/or abstract.
  6. Page number should be inserted at the bottom-center.



Authors Profile

Authors' profile should contain title, authors name, scientific degrees and place of employment (in Persian and English) and supervisory institution, sponsors and venues for the study, if there is any. If the author does not have any affiliation name of the city and province should be written under his/her name. Address, phone number and Email of Corresponding Author should be mentioned. Corresponding Author is in charge of all correspondences.


 Main Article File

First page:

Persian title, abstract and key words have to be mentioned respectively. Abstract should be in one paragraph (maximum 250 words) and purpose, method, findings and conclusion should be stated in the body text. Past tense should be used to describe what has been done in the past and verbs should be in present tense for the conclusion. It should be noted that no citation, acronyms, abbreviations and symbols can be used in abstract. Key words should be 3-5 word.

Second page:

Second page includes; English title, English abstract and related key words. English abstract and key words have to exactly match the Persian abstract and Keywords.


Body text

The body text consists of 6 parts: introduction, methodology, results, discussion and conclusions, Acknowledgement and sources. All of the above should be expressed separately. Placing a ":" sign in front of the titles must be avoided.


Introduction should explain; what is the problem? How different/related is it from the previous works? This section deals with describing the problem in two or three pages by reviewing past studies, challenges and necessity of application of results. General and unnecessary discussion must be avoided. Introduction should not be written in such a way that only experts are able to use it.


Methodology should be written in such way that every reader can get the same results as he/she repeats the experience of author. The followings should be reported in methodology: Research method details, implementation and follow-up duration, time and place of conducting the survey, sampling and the criteria for selection, sample size, inclusion/exclusion criteria of the study, data collection, ethical standards, measurement tools (validity and reliability), statistical tests, and manufacturer of materials and devices.

Results and Findings

Findings include a full description of the results. Results should be expressed clearly and according to scientific principles. Detailed results including the exact values of the test especially the exact amount of P-Value (for example, P = 0.012) in inferential statistics is essential.

Authors are required to report only the most important results.

Proper use of tables and diagrams in black and white will make it easier to study.

All figures, diagrams and pictures should be numbered and their explanations have to be written beneath it.

Titles of tables also should be placed on top of them.

All figures and tables should be included within the text.

High resolution Photos must be used. Authors must refrain from posting copy images and only original files from relevant software should be used.

Instead of using different colors, it is advisable to distinguish charts column using hachure in different ways.



Due to page limitations, repeated discussions should be avoided.

Using tables are permissible when the data (results) cannot be easily written in body text. Title of the table must be so expressive that one does not need to refer to the text.

Table numbers should have no decimals as much as possible (two decimal places is allowed, if necessary).

Only horizontal lines (preferably three lines) are to be used to determine title and bottom of the table.

Numbers and figures in tables should not be repeated in the text.



Finding highlights, importance, limitations, a comparison with other studies' results, explaining and interpreting common and controversial issues and suggesting a possible application of findings are discussed in this part. In the end, a brief discussion on what they already knew about the subject and what new information has been added to the scope of the study is recommended. Results should not be repeated in this part, however, new results that is not mentioned, should be discussed.

At the end of articles an achievement message should be expressed in one or two sentences.



Name of the source or sources of financial supports is to be noted. All individuals or groups who have helped and cooperated are appreciated in this part. Of course the use or non-use of this part is arbitrary.




Journal citation style is Vancouver. In this style the first reference in the text is No. 1 which at the end of the article also will be determined by the number 1. The number of English and Persian sources should not be more than 40. When using brackets, there should be a space between bracket and the last word.

In cases where researchers write the name of the author and year the number of citation is also required to be mentioned. Also note that when the number of sources in brackets is more than two, sources should be written respectively from left to right and without space.

If citations in parentheses are more than two, put a dash between the first and last one. When some parts of a book is used, and the researcher wants to determine the exact location this method can be used: (P. 23, 4), which means Page 23, source 4. Using EndNote software is recommended to reduce errors and improve the quality of papers. You can get complete information about EndNote through the following link:



Using Vancouver Style

Vancouver Style uses in-text citations and a Reference List at the end of your document.


  • Citations within the text of your paper are identified with a number in round brackets. Example: Jones (8) has argued that…
  • References are numbered consecutively in the order they are first used in the text. The full citations will be included in the Reference List at the end of your document, with matching numbers identifying each reference.
  • When multiple references are cited together, use a hyphen to indicate a series of inclusive numbers. Use commas to indicate a series of non-inclusive numbers. A citation with these references (4, 5, 6, 7, 14, and 19) is abbreviated to (4-7, 14, and 19). Example: Multiple clinical trials (4-6, 9) show…
  • The original number used for a reference is reused each time the reference is cited. Example: “…the theory was first put forward by Lee (7) in 1999, but there was disagreement (3, 5, and 8) over its importance.”
  • Include the page number for any direct quotes or specific ideas. Example: “…has been proven demonstrably false.” (4, p23)
  • The citation in brackets is placed after any commas and periods, and before any colons and semi-colons. Example: …a new definition. (13, p111-2) …this option is preferred (11).


 Indirect Citations

An indirect source is when one author is quoted in the text of another author. These types of citations are generally not accepted in Vancouver Style, so seek permission from your instructor. Include the author and date of the original source in the text. Use “as cited in” or “as discussed in” to say where you found the quotation and provide the citation to that reference.

Example: James Wallace (2001) argued (cited by 5, p26), that…



Standard Format for Books:

Author Surname Initials, Title: subtitle. Edition (if not the first), Place of publication, Publisher, Year

  Book with One Author or Editor


1. Mason J. Concepts in dental public health. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2005.

2. Ireland R, editor. Clinical textbook of dental hygiene and therapy; Oxford: Blackwell Munksgaard; 2006.


Two-Six Authors/Editors


3. Miles DA, Van Dis ML, Williamson GF, Jensen CW.

Radiographic imaging for the dental team; 4th ed. St. Louis:

Saunders Elsevier; 2009

4. Dionne RA, Phero JC, Becker DE, editors. Management of pain and anxiety in the dental office; Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 2002.



More than Six Authors/Editors

5. Fauci AS, Braunwald E, Kasper DL, Hauser SL, Longo DL, Jameson JL, et al., editors. Harrison’s principles of internal medicine; 17th Ed; New York: McGraw Hill; 2008.


Organization as Author

6. Canadian Dental Hygienists Association. Dental hygiene: definition and scope. Ottawa: Canadian Dental Hygienists Association; 1995.

 No Author/Editor

7. Scott’s Canadian dental directory 2008. 9th ed. Toronto: Scott’s Directories; 2007.

 Government Document

8. Canada. Environmental Health Directorate; Radiation protection in dentistry: recommended safety procedures for the use of dental x-ray equipment. Safety Code 30; Ottawa: Ministry of Health; 2000.

 Chapter in a book

9. Alexander RG. Considerations in creating a beautiful smile; In: Romano R, editor. The art of the smile; London: Quintessence Publishing; 2005. p. 187-210.


 Articles in Journals

Journal articles can be accessed in three different ways: (1) from the print (paper) copy; (2) from the journal’s website; or (3) from an online article database like Medline. You will cite the article differently depending on how you accessed it.


Standard Format for Journal Articles:

Author Surname Initials; Title of article; Title of journal; abbreviated; Date of Publication: Volume Number (Issue Number): Page Numbers.

  Journal Article in Print

11. Haas AN, de Castro GD, Moreno T, Susan C, AL Bandar JM, Oppermann RV, et al. Azithromycin as an adjunctive treatment of aggressive periodontitis: 12-months randomized clinical trial. J Cline Periodontol; 2008 Aug; 35(8):696-704. Journal Article from a Website


12. Tasdemir T, Yesilyurt C, Ceyhanli KT, Celik D, Err K. Evaluation of apical filling after root canal filling by 2 different techniques. J Can Dent Asoka [Internet]. 2009 Apr [cited 2009 Jun 14]; 75(3):[about 5pp.]. Available from: http://www.cda-adc.ca/jcda/vol-75/issue-3/201.html Journal Article from an Online Database


13. Erasmus S, Luiters S, Brijlal P. Oral hygiene and dental student’s knowledge, attitude and

Behavior in managing HIV/AIDS patients; Int J Dent Hyg [Internet]; 2005 Nov [cited 2009 Jun 16]; 3(4):213-7. Available from Medline: http://cclsw2.vcc.ca:2048/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db= cmedm&AN=16451310&site=ehost-live


14. Monajem S. Integration of oral health into primary health care: the role of dental hygienists and the WHO stewardship. Int J Dent Hyg [Internet]; 2006 Feb [cited 2009 Jun 21]; 4(1): 47-52. Available from CINAHL with Full Text: http://tinyurl.com/kudbxw


Long Abstract

 Long abstract should be submitted via journal website in order to issue acceptance letter. Based on the vision of department of research journals of Sport Sciences Research Institute of Iran, in line with the objective of qualifying and indexing the institutes' publications in internationally validated databases and  in order to increase position and validation of the journal in national and international scientific references as well as official  rating and validation systems, the English long abstract (1000 words) must be provided in the latest revised version of the manuscript emphasizing on materials, methods, and results.  If literary editing of the long abstract will be needed, the corresponding author himself is responsible to send it to translation office.


Guide for Authors (Long Abstract)

1-      Manuscript's Title

2-      Authors' names

3-      Authors' Affiliation

4-      Goal (150 words)

5-      Materials and Methods (300 words)

6-      Findings (400 words)

7-      Conclusion (150 words)

8-      Keywords (3-10 keywords)

9-      References


It should be added that long abstract is allowed to be contain of just one table or chart. Keywords, references, chart and table are not included in 1000 words.




  1. Submitted Articles should be specialized and relevant to the journal and be prepared according to Journal standards
  2. Papers must be original and any use of other research should be referenced
  3. Research should be done with high precision and objectivity and the data have to be reported correctly
  4. the author(s) is Responsible for the content of the article
  5. Articles should not be published at any local or foreign magazine before; otherwise the article will be deleted from the process of arbitration. It also reflects the author's lack of commitment to other scientific publications, so the author's other articles would not be examined
  6. Submitters should commit to not sending their paper to another local or foreign publications until the final result (accept or reject) is received
  7. Open use of the publication content requires references
  8.  Editorial board is free to accept, reject or modify papers.
  9. Papers should not be already published at any other local or foreign publication otherwise; it will be deleted from the Arbitration process and reflecting the author's lack of commitment to other scientific publications, the author's other articles would not be reviewed by Journal Director.
  10. Submitters are committed not to send their papers to local and foreign publications until the final result (accept or reject) is received.
  11. The authors are responsible for their articles.
  12. Using journal content on the condition of citation is free.



To authors:  please study the content of this guide closely and review sample papers published in the latest issue of the Journal, and then prepare your articles for sending through following links: